Kike Figaredo

Monsignor Enrique (“Kike”) Figaredo, an Asturian Jesuit who has dedicated nearly 35 years of his life to the care of the needy. Kike began his work in 1985, in the refugee camps located near the Thailand-Cambodia border, focusing on supporting people with disabilities.

In 1991 he founded Banteay Prieb (Casa de la Paloma), near Phnom Penh: a vocational training center for the disabled where currently study more than 200 students and where the famous wheelchair “Mekong” was created, producing and distributing more than 1,400 units of this chair throughout the country.

“Despite the suffering, you see those smiles that pierce you”.

Kike también trabajó estrechamente con la Campaña Internacional para Prohibir las Minas Terrestres (ICBL). Esta campaña impulsó la firma del tratado internacional de Ottawa en 1997 y recibió el Premio Nobel de la Paz en el mismo año.

Kike also worked closely with the ICBL (International Campaign to Ban Landmines). This campaign promoted the signature of the Ottawa Treaty in 1997 and was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace in the same year.

In 2000, Kike was appointed Apostolic Prefect of Battambang, position that currently combines with that of president of Caritas Cambodia. Under his supervision, the Prefecture has developed social and humanitarian projects of different types, including support for people with disabilities, education, agriculture and environment, health and socio-economic development, currently benefiting about 80,000 people.

“There will be peace in the world when
we be able to demine our hearts”

His dedication to others has led him to receive several nominations and awards, among others, the Bandrés Prize (2002), the Grand Cross of Civil Merit of Solidarity (2004), the Casa Asia Award (2007) the Emilio Barbón Foundation Award (2007), the Vocento Human Values Award ​​(2008), the Luis Noé Fernández Award (2011), the Colmena de Oro Prize for Solidarity (2014) or the Fuera de Serie magazine Solidarity Award (2018).

The NGO SAUCE was born in 2001 to support Kike in his projects and initiatives, tirelessly supporting the projects of the Prefecture in northern Cambodia. SAUCE’s mission is to work together to provide opportunities with the hope that Cambodians will have a better future, with special attention to people with disabilities, people in vulnerable situations or extreme poverty and of course, children and young people – we believe It is essential to bet and invest in the youth of a country under reconstruction.

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